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Minority Business Roundtable Kicks Off

Ir a:

The Start Up, Stay Up, Scale Up, Minority Business Owners Roundtables will kick off on Feb. 28 to address topics each month that focus on the three major stages of business and how these topics uniquely affect minority business owners.

Minority business owners can register at

The topics identified will be based on the needs of the attendees and the goal will be for business owners to leave with tangible tools that will make them feel inspired, supported and empowered to move their businesses forward.

Each Roundtable will feature a consultant-led topical discussion around the phases of business that uniquely affects the minority business owner, and light snacks will be provided.

Participants will have time to register their businesses with the City of Chattanooga’s Supplier Registry on site and sign up for Doing Business with the City Sessions. Also, other entities will be invited to be on site periodically to enroll attendees in their supplier diversity programs as well. Limited laptops and internet connections will be available for use for these activities.

Each roundtable will also feature highlights from an entrepreneur or business owner who will discuss their journey and products. Registered attendees will be able to sample products as applicable, subject to availability.

Attendees are asked to observe social distancing and mask protocols.


flyer start stay scale up


Mayor's Office
Karen CollinsContacto
(423) 933-5800 (423) 933-5800
101 E. 11th Street
Chattanooga,TN 37402
(423) 643-7800 (423) 643-7800