New Containers & Special Event Containers
Recycle containers are free of charge. Customers with more than one garbage container may also exchange a garbage cart for a recycle cart at no cost. Additional garbage containers are $75, no more than two garbage containers may be kept or maintained at a residential property.
Garbage containers are assigned to residential properties at no charge if the property is a new construction.
If the property is an existing dwelling, a garbage container will be a $75.00 fee. A service request number is required before submitting a payment request on-line. To order a garbage container and receive a service request number, please call 311, email, or create a service request online.
Business and Non-Residential
Non-residential properties and businesses may maintain only one garbage container.
Non-residential properties maintaining a dumpster or other commercial waste service are not eligible for City solid waste collection services.
Businesses and other non-residential service locations must pay for a garbage container. A garbage container will be a $75.00 fee.
A service request number is required before submitting a payment request on-line. To order a garbage container and receive a service request number, please call 311, email, or create a service request online.
Special Events
Garbage containers for special events can be ordered for $25.00 each.
A service request number is required before submitting a payment request on-line. To order a garbage container and receive a service request number, please call 311, email, or create a service request online.
Repairing and Replacing Containers
If your can is stolen there is a $75 fee. Property owners are responsible for the cost of repairing or replacing lost, stolen, or vandalized containers. This includes any person who subsequently comes into possession of a residence which had previously been issued a container. Containers are not transferable from one property to another. Garbage containers have serial numbers and are assigned to service locations not a person or business. All City garbage containers are and remain the property of the City of Chattanooga even if a fee has been paid to the City for the use of such containers. Replacement garbage containers are free of charge due to collection truck damage. A Service Request Number is required for garbage container payments. Please call 311 or email to get started.
Repairing Damaged Container
If your container has been damaged during collection, please call 311 or (423) 643-6311.
Requests can also be submitted by emailing, submitting the request online or submitting a request with our CHATT311 app with your Apple or Android device.
The damaged container will be repaired or replaced at no cost within 5 business days of the time a service request is created.
After the service request is made please leave the damaged container curbside until it is repaired.
Curbside Recycling Collection
Available curbside services include garbage collection, recycling collection, yard waste collection, and bulky trash collection. Garbage and recycling collection services are included in your property tax and do not require additional payment.
Keeping Chattanooga Clean and Green, Together!

Interactive Map
Search your trash and recycling collection service day on this interactive map.

Need to start garbage and recycling collection?
You can sign up online, email or call (423) 643-6311