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Recreational Reservations

Looking to rent a field, court, pool? Explore the possibilities here.

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Outdoor festival in a city park with people enjoying various stalls and dancers in traditional attire

Rental Rates

Explore detailed recreation rental rates from pages 5 to 12 in our comprehensive fee schedule. Get all the information you need by downloading the document

Book a Recreational Activity

Many of our programs, events, parks and sports sign ups are all on our platform. To book a slot for recreational activities, follow the steps below:


Under “Recreation”, select the category you want.
You can use the left-side menu filter, like “keywords”.


Click “Show” when you find the activity you need.


Check its availability.


Click “Register”.

You may need to log in to finish the reservation.

Account Guidelines

If you are having trouble creating your account or logging in to reserve a facility or book a recreational activity, please download our guide and follow the steps:

Athletic Facility Rentals

Request and inquiries about renting an Athletic Facility:  
Phone:  423-643-6081

Contact Us

(423) 643-7866 (423) 643-7866