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Parks and Outdoors

Our Mission

A City in a Park: in Chattanooga, everyone will have access to a well-loved, well-used and well-cared for system of parks, recreation and outdoor spaces that fosters community belonging and well-being and enhances our unique and breathtaking natural setting.

Our Vision

We are community builders, connecting all Chattanoogans and guests to the benefits of parks, recreation, nature, adventure, history, culture, and the arts. 

About Us

Chattanooga Parks and Outdoors is better known as the Department of fun! 

We are proud to offer award-winning signature parks such as Coolidge Park and the TN Riverpark, community parks including Greenway Farm and Heritage Park along with over 80 neighborhood parks, greenspaces, athletic spaces and more. 

Along with great spaces, our department offers numerous classes, events, and programs to connect all to the outdoors and the spirit of recreation. 

Parks and Outdoors Divisions

Parks Stewardship and Maintenance

Design and Connectivity

Sports and Recreation

Culture, Arts, and Creative Economy

Special Events and Programming

Outdoor Chattanooga


We believe PEOPLE

  • Have a fundamental right to the benefits offered by the natural spaces surrounding us
  • Have a fundamental right to be safe, welcomed and respected in all public spaces
  • Deserve to have the highest level of trust in those who represent the Department of Parks and Outdoors

We believe COMMUNITY

  • Acknowledgement of historic inequity of and injustice in public spaces is necessary for individual and community healing, now and for generations to come
  • Is powerfully nurtured in public parks and playgrounds, on playing fields and in sport, in outdoor adventures, closeness to nature, and in public gatherings, celebrations and the arts
  • Is enriched and supported by public parks and spaces that have a strong sense of place

We believe NATURE

  • Is necessary for sustaining healthy and happy lives, connecting us to one another and to every living being
  • Has provided Chattanooga with its stunningly beautiful landscape and it deserves our respect, care, understanding, and preservation
  • Offers lessons that can guide us to a more sustaining and healthy relationship with the natural environment and the climate we depend on for life and livelihood


Interim Administrator
Director of Recreation
Director of Parks Maintenance and Stewardship
Director of Outdoor Chattanooga
Director of Arts, Culture and Creative Economy
Director of Design and Connectivity
Communications and Marketing Director
Natural Resources Manager

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Contact Us

200 River St
Chattanooga,TN 37405
(423) 643-7866 (423) 643-7866