Search Court Dockets and Records
Find upcoming dockets and past court records on the Chattanooga City Court Municipal Records Search website.
Appearing in Court
Please note: all Animal and Environmental cases are mandatory court appearances and all other traffic violations not listed below can be paid before court.
While most tickets may be paid online the following require a court appearance:
The following items are not permitted on City Court premises:
If you choose or are required to appear in court our judges require that you dress respectfully. Shorts, halter tops, and tank tops are not permitted. The judges also ask that you refrain from chewing gum when appearing before the bench. Anyone under the age of 21 is considered either a minor or juvenile and must appear in court for a traffic violation. Appearance in court is mandatory for anyone under 18, and he or she must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Paying a Fine
The City Court Clerk accepts the following payment types:
Visa or MasterCard online or you may call and pay For parking citations, search using vehicle’s tag number. Automated Enforcement Tickets are at, you will need the tag number of the vehicle and the password indicated on the violation notice
Check Drawn on a local bank
Cashier’s checks and money orders
Cash (in person at the City Court Clerk Office ONLY)
Now taking payments via telephone
Can a citation be paid with a credit or debit card?
Yes. Log on at
Are payment options available to pay fine and court costs?
Yes. Payment options are available after a judgment has been rendered.
Can a judgment be appealed?
Yes. An appeal must be made within 10 days of the conviction date. After a cash bond of $250.00 per case, as set by state law is posted, the case is sent to Hamilton County Circuit Court.
Is a court appearance required for a paid citation?
No. A court appearance is not required for any citation paid prior to the court date.
Who should checks or money orders be made payable to?
Make all checks/money orders payable to the "City of Chattanooga".
If a defendant is unable to pay their fine or court costs by the court date, can an extension be requested?
No. Failure to pay prior to the court date or appear before the Judge may result in a default judgment at the Judge's discretion.
Can a citation be contested?
Yes. The citation can be contested before the Judge on the appointed court date.
Can a court date be passed or reset?
Yes. All court date pass or reset requests are subject to the Judge's approval.
Can the Judge discuss a case prior to the court date?
No. The Judge should not be contacted. A written request may be considered by the Judge prior to the court date.
How long does a court session last?
It depends on the number of court docket cases and the number of defendants who come to court.
What happens if a court date is missed?
At the Judge's discretion, a Default Judgment may be rendered.
Can one check/money order be used for multiple violations?
Yes. Each individual citation number must be written on the check/money order to ensure that each citation is properly credited. Counter checks are unacceptable.
What agency should be contacted for information concerning license suspensions and reinstatements?
The Tennessee Department of Safety in Nashville at (866) 903-7357, or the local Driver Testing Center on Bonny Oaks Drive at (423) 634-3127.
Can attending "Defensive Driving School" prevent a ticket from being added to my driving history?
Yes, if ordered by the Judge.
Is there a limit to the number of citations a vehicle parked in the same space can receive?
No. As long as a vehicle remains parked in violation, it can receive unlimited citations.
Must a vehicle with a handicap placard or tag pay a parking meter?
No. A vehicle with a handicap placard or tag is allowed to park at a parking meter without paying provided a valid handicap placard or tag is displayed. (Placards must be hung from the rearview mirror).
What are the operation hours of the parking meters?
Operation hours are stated on the meter. Parking meters are enforced by the Carta Parking Authority. Please visit for more information.
Are parking citations written on weekends or holidays?
Does a handicap placard or tag permit parking on the blue-striped lines?
No. The blue striped lines provide an access area for vehicles equipped with a lift and are not legal parking spaces. All handicap vehicles must be parked in the assigned spaces between the blue lines.
Can a vehicle be booted or towed for failure to pay outstanding citations?
Yes. Please visit for more information about vehicle immobilization.