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City Court

Our Mission

Our mission is to efficiently, accurately and professionally handle and process City ordinance violations; to create and sustain customer-oriented quality service that provides maximum access to the court and promotes public confidence in the court system.

Our Vision

Our vision is to provide those appearing and practicing before the court with fair, efficient and expeditious means of proceeding with their business through competent, professional employees and use of technology and other innovative measures.

About Us

Chattanooga City Court has jurisdiction in cases involving violations of city ordinances; such as parking violations, traffic violations, garbage and refuse, animal cases and other city ordinance offenses.

The City Court Clerk's Office operates under the direction of the City Court Clerk and supports the City Judge, the Honorable Judge Sherry Paty. The Clerk's Office is the keeper of the records for the courts and accepts payments for all violations.


To serve the public.


City Court Clerk
Deputy City Court Clerk
Administrative Support Specialist
City Judge

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To pay a ticket, citation, or fine, visit our portal.

Contact Us

600 Market Street Room 104, Access via Cherry St.
Chattanooga,TN 37402
(423) 643-7541 (423) 643-7541
(423) 643-7587 (423) 643-7587

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.