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Transportation Planning

Our Mission

To provide a comprehensive vision and guide for the community that enhances the quality of life by integrating growth with the conservation of resources. This vision will include both short and long range goals and strategies that public and private community leaders can use for implementation.

About Us

The Division of Transportation Planning performs an array of transportation planning activities for the City of Chattanooga in addition to activities of the Chattanooga-Hamilton County Regional Planning Agency (RPA) as staff to the federally mandated Chattanooga-Hamilton County/North Georgia Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). Those activities can be found on the RPA’s website

The City of Chattanooga transportation network accommodates all modes to serve all people. Staff continuously work to improve this system as the community and neighborhoods continue to grow and travel patterns change. As a newly established Division, Transportation Planning staff will develop and maintain adopted policy documents to ensure a safe and systematic multimodal network of streets and paths. This network is supported by the MPO’s Regional Transportation Plan.  Streets function as the primary public right-of-way to move people most efficiently from point A to point B and may accommodate all travel modes such as foot, bike, scooter, assisted mobility device, mass transit, or automobile.


  • Planning the future of safe accommodations of all road users including those who walk, bike or use transit
  • Consider and respond to changing transportation needs and technological advancements in the City, such as electric and autonomous vehicles 
  • Support resiliency efforts to ensure stability of the transportation system in times of extreme weather or natural disaster 
  • Provide adequate resources to and engage the public on transportation interests and priorities 
  • Seek necessary funds to assist the Chattanooga Public Works Department in implementing project priorities
  • Help reducing fatalities and serious injuries on all roadways in the city, with a specific focus on pedestrians and vulnerable road users
  • Staff maintains and evaluates crash data and provides various information necessary to determine appropriate solutions for implementation. Some solutions may dictate a need to test different approaches or provide temporary installations, known as “demonstrations or quick-builds”, to choose the right solution


This Division operates under the Department of Planning and is composed of a Director complemented by a team of professional transportation planning focused individuals with an array of planning, environmental, finance, design, and geospatial skills and expertise.
Melissa Taylor
Tabb Sanford
Principal Planner/GIS Support
Shannon “Miko” Mikus
Transportation Designer
Betsy Evans
Senior Planner
Jonah Paul
Senior Planner


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Contact Us

(423) 643-5900 (423) 643-5900
Main LineFor general inquiries
(423) 643-5944 (423) 643-5944
DirectorFor concerns or specific questions
(423) 260-7173 (423) 260-7173

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.