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Office of AmeriCorps Seniors - Foster Grandparents

Our Mission

Encouraging and engaging senior citizens in helping to enrich the community and the lives of children.

Our Vision

To improve lives, strengthen communities, and foster civic engagement through service and volunteering.


Since 1980, the Foster Grandparent Program (FGP):

  • Serve as mentors, tutors, and caregivers for children and youth with special needs
  • Volunteer time at community non-profit agencies, including schools, daycares, and Head Start Centers
  • Address and help solve critical issues in education, public safety, health, and human needs
  • Enrich personal lives by contributing to the well-being of the community


Claudius Pratt
AmeriCorps Seniors (Foster Grandparents) Director
Ruthie Barnums
Program Assistant II
Alisha McLaughlin
Field Supervisor

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Contact Us

(423) 643-6410 (423) 643-6410
AmeriCorps Seniors (Foster Grandparents) DirectorClaudius PrattContact

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.