Our Vision
All city departments can access, analyze and understand their data.
All Chattanoogans can find relevant metrics and public data about their city and neighborhood. Chattanoogans are empowered to collect data about their community and share this with their city.

About Us
We are a small team of data-driven individuals dedicated to bettering the City of Chattanooga. Recognizing the power of data in today's world, our goal is to help the City maximize its vast data resources for the benefit of its constituents.
To achieve our mission, we employ several methodologies:
- Our training programs target front-line employees, ensuring that data utilization is widespread and not confined to our office alone
- Promoting data-driven decision-making through departmental performance measures, which departments submit annually along with their funding requests. These initiatives are designed to drive change and enhance the use of data-driven tools throughout the City government
- Engaging the local community through presentations and supporting community data gathering events
We offer the following services to the city departments:
OPMOD maintains several open-source tools for working with open data:
- pbsc: a high-level API client for Public Bike System Company data services. The city uses this tool to export data about Bike Chattanooga trips.
- socrata-dump: a CLI tool for dumping data and metadata about all datasets in a Socrata instance, like chattadata.org. OPMOD uses this tool to backup our datasets
- uuid:a web app for easily generating a UUID using your modern web browser’s crypto module
Division Goals
- Solidify the City's data practices & standards
- Engage and develop the City's data community of practice
How do I find data about my neighborhood?
You can start by searching https://www.chattadata.org/. If you can’t find the dataset, please feel free to submit a dataset suggestion here or email us at opendata@chattanooga.gov and we’d be happy to point you in the right direction. If the dataset doesn’t exist, we’ll evaluate if we can create it.
How do I request a police report?
Requesting police reports is handled through the Open Records portal, which you can find at https://chattanooga.gov/openrecords.
How can I find code violation data about properties?
The City of Chattanooga releases some code enforcement datasets. You can search chattadata.org for “Code Enforcement” or go here: https://www.chattadata.org/browse?q=code%20enforcement&sortBy=relevance
If you want more information than what exists in these datasets, you’ll have to submit an open records request here: https://chattanooga.gov/openrecords.