Our Vision
To be the most technologically advanced city, by cultivating a collaborative environment where intentional actions drive innovative solutions, empowering our team and communities to be catalysts for positive change.
About Us
The City of Chattanooga GIS team emphasizes maintaining accurate data and is dedicated to utilizing the power of geospatial technology to support informed decision making and enhance public services.
Brendan Cleary
Jessica Hendrix Norwood
John O’Donnell
- Active Train Crossings in Chattanooga
This map shows active train crossings. Select colored circles in this map for train crossing status and estimated times.
- Chattanooga GIS Map
This GIS map is provided by the Chattanooga GIS department. Residents can utilize this web map to view Chattanooga base map. This is a great place to start if you are looking for basic mapping information for Chattanooga.
- Interactive Service GIS Map
Since Public Works collects refuse on certain days based on location, a useful map was created to show residents when their refuse will be collected based on their location inside city limits.
- Water Quality Impervious Area Fee Map
The impervious area map lets users view the estimated impervious area for a given property.
- City of Chattanooga Green Infrastructure
Green infrastructure map highlights some of the improvements that the city government and the private sector have added to their properties.
- #ChattanoogaStrong
This unique map memorializes those who were killed in a mass shooting on July 16, 2015. This map is a tribute to the fallen sailor and Marines who lost their lives on that tragic day.
- Chattanooga Park Maps
New to Chattanooga? Check out our parks map that shows locations of parks in the City of Chattanooga.