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Environmental Compliance

Our Mission

Provide effective and reliable wastewater services through expertise and trusted professionalism. We are dedicated to expanding a healthy, moral, and safe environment for our customers and teammates.

Our Vision

As experts in the wastewater industry, we will continue to lead in sustainable wastewater and energy management best practices. Our commitment to continuous improvement will bolster a reputation of excellence on environmental compliance, fiscal responsibility, and safety amongst our teammates and throughout the community.


  • To protect the operational performance of the wastewater treatment facility and water quality of the receiving stream (Tennessee River) through control limits on industry and commercial discharges into the sanitary sewer collection system


Rick Tate
Environmental Compliance Manager


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Contact Us

(423) 643-7433 (423) 643-7433

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday
7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.