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Electrical License Journeyman - Residential

A journeyman electrician is a trades professional with advanced skills. They've passed the “trainee” or “apprentice” phase of their on-the-job education and are able to work independently. After working as a journeyman for a certain period of time, they can advance to the level of master electrician.

Permit Expiration:

License expiration every 2 years on even year dates.

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Some Conditions And Restrictions On This Application

Must have 3 years or 6,000 documented hours of electrical experience with an electrical contractor.

How Do I Renew?

Applicant will get an email before the license will expire. They can also see the expiration date on their license.

How Do I Apply?


Go to Open Gov Portal and register a free account.


Once logged in they can scroll down till you see Trade Licensing (icon is a person in a yellow vest and hard hat). 


Once you click on that scroll down till you see the electrical license Journeyman. Click select and follow the next 6 steps. 


Once you hit submit the license clerks will look at the information given and get back with either needing more information or the testing information.


What Is The Cost?  


Process Details

Status Updates

They will get emails as the process moves forward or they can get on their account and look.

Processing Time

Typically 48 - 72 hours.