What Are The Requirements?
The City of Chattanooga Class 1 Electrical License is required to pull a commercial electrical permit.
The City of Chattanooga Class 1 or Class 2 is required to pull a residential electrical permit.
A Tennessee State Contractors License will be required when Contract Value of Work is at $25,000 or above. A business license will be required when pulling an electrical permit. We will request a City of Chattanooga business license when Contract Value of Work is above $100,000.
For more information, go to Sections 14-75.
How Do I Renew?
Applicants will get an email before the license will expire. They can also see the expiration date on their license.
How Do I Apply?
Go to Open Gov Portal.
Log in using your credentials.
If you don't have an account, sign up. It's free.
Scroll down until you see the "Building & Trades permits" section (icon is a hammer and wrench).
Scroll down until you see "Electrical Permits".
Click "Select".
Follow the instructions on Open Gov Portal.
Hit "Submit" once all steps are completed.
The permit clerks will review the submitted information. They will get back to you with either the fees or any corrections needed.
Once any necessary fees have been paid, the permit will be issued
Process Details
Approval Process / Evaluation
The permit clerks will review the submitted information. They will get back to you with either the fees or any corrections needed.
Status Updates
Emails as the process moves forward or you can get on your account and check the process.