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Local Historic Landmark (LHL) and Local Historic District (LHD) Applications

Chattanooga abounds with historical significance and architectural charm. To nominate a building or city landmark for Local Historic Landmark (LHL) and Local Historic District (LHD) status, please visit the City of Chattanooga Online Application Portal.

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What Are The Requirements?

Check Sec. 10-14 to see the requirements.

How Do I Apply?


Schedule a meeting with Cassie Cline, Historic Preservation Planner


To get started you will need to create a user account on Viewpoint Cloud Portal.


Click on "Apply Online".


Log in using your credentials.


Follow the instructions on Open Gov Portal.


What is the cost?

Local Historic District (LHD)  
Local Historic Landmark (LHL)

Process Details

Approval Process / Evaluation

Upon receipt of an application for nomination as a LHD, the Commission shall hold a minimum of one (1) public meeting in or near the proposed district at which members of the public shall be allowed to hear the proposal, view maps and other materials, ask questions of the Commissioners or applicant, and express support or opposition to the application. Such meeting shall be held in a school, church or other public or semi-public facility, in or near the proposed district. Such meeting shall be advertised in a local, city-wide newspaper.

Following the meeting in the neighborhood, a final meeting shall be held at City Hall or Annex thereto during which the CHZC shall make a resolution recommending that the City Council accept or deny the application for nomination as a LHD. Such a meeting shall be advertised in a local, city-wide newspaper.

The Resolution shall be accompanied by a report to the City Council containing the following information:

i. Explanation of the significance or lack of significance of the nominated LHL as it relates to the criteria for designation;

ii. Explanation of the integrity or lack of integrity of the nominated landmark;

iii. In the case of a nominated landmark found to meet the criteria for designation;

a. The types of significant exterior architectural features of the landmark that should be protected.

b. The types of alterations that should be reviewed for COAs.

c. Proposed design guidelines for reviewing applications for COAs.

iv. A map showing the location of the nominated LHL.


What is a Certificate of Appropriateness (COA)?

A COA is NOT a building permit, demolition permit or a land disturbing permit. Please contact the Land Disturbing Office and the Building Permit Office prior to starting the project. The COA must be posted in a visible location or on file on the property until the project is completed.

Who is part of the Historic Zoning Commission?

The Chattanooga Historic Zoning Commission's (CHZC) purpose is to review proposed changes and new construction in the four historic districts in Chattanooga, St. Elmo, Fort Wood, Battery Place, and Ferger Place. The CHZC reviews all proposals and determines that the work is within the adopted Guidelines of each district. They work to ensure the integrity of each district.

This nine-member commission is comprised of a representative of a local historical organization, a member of a local Planning Commission, an architect, four (4) residents of the Local Historic Districts, and three (3) members of the general public. Visit the Commission Membership

Contact Us

Development Review PlannerContact
(423) 643-583 (423) 643-583