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Plumbing Permit

Application to submit when applying for a permit to perform plumbing work in the City of Chattanooga.

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What Are The Requirements?

A City of Chattanooga Master Plumbing License is required to pull a plumbing permit. 

A Tennessee State Contractors License will be required when Contract Value of Work is at $25,000 or above. 

A business license will be required when pulling a plumbing permit. We will request a City of Chattanooga business license when Contract Value of Work is above $100,000.

Any properly licensed contractor who desires to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be performed, shall first make application to the code official and obtain the required permit for the work.

How Do I Apply?


The fees for all plumbing work shall be as indicated in the following schedule:

Permit Issuance$40.00
For each Plumbing Fixture, Floor Drain or Trap$6.00
For each Roof Drain$5.00
For each Building Sewer$20.00
For each Building Sewer (replacement/repair)    $20.00
For each Water Heater and/or Vent$6.00
For each installation, alteration or repair of Water Piping    $10.00
For each repair or alteration of Drainage or Vent Piping    $10.00
For each Pressure Reducing Device and each Check Valve Assembly (1-5)$6.00
For each Vacuum Breaker or backflow protective device$10.00
For each Sand, Grease, or Oil Interceptor (Underground)$35.00
For each Sand, Grease, or Oil Interceptor (Above Ground)$10.00
For each Other Miscellaneous Item    $5.00
For each Sanitary Sewer Connection    $70.00
For each Lateral Sewer Connection    $800.00
For each Manhole    $100.00
For each Re-inspection    $50.00

All of the fees in this section shall be non-refundable unless in the determination of the Director of Public Works, the department has not completed sufficient review to justify the entire fees for Lateral Sewer Connection provided due to inaccurate information on the location of the Lateral Sewer. In such incidents any proportional refund shall be in the sole discretion of the Director of Public Works.

Contact Us

Trade Permits and Licensing
(423) 643-5884 (423) 643-5884