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Stormwater Fee Appeal

Use the appeal form to apply for correction, exemption, or partial exemption on your Stormwater fee.

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What Are The Requirements?

Erroneous Billing or Correction of the Impervious Area 

The City would provide adjustments in the Stormwater Fee for erroneous billing that may result from miscalculation of the impervious area.

Full or Partial Exemption

The City would provide a full or partial exemption of the Stormwater fee to properties whose stormwater runoff from impervious areas does not utilize any portion of the City storm water system. Properties that may qualify include those that discharge directly to:

  • Tennessee River
  • Other “waters of the state” having no City stormwater structures downstream of the property
  • Any other conveyance system having no City stormwater structures downstream of the property (ex: sanitary sewer)
    • This does not include the Combined Sanitary Sewer area downtown as this conveyance system includes both storm and sanitary sewer

Submit the completed application Stormwater Fee Appeal Form  with any supporting documentation to the Stormwater Management Program for review and investigation. Contact information is provided on the appeal form.

To view the impervious area each parcel is being charged for you can use the City’s impervious area map


map stormwater fees


How Do I Apply?


Return the completed form and any supporting documentation by e-mail:  (subject: WQ Fee Appeal) 

Or mail to: 

City of Chattanooga 

Attn: WQ Manager 

1250 Market Street, Suite 2100 

Chattanooga, TN 37402

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(423) 643-5877 (423) 643-5877