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Housing Assistance

We are here to facilitate fair housing through education, support, and complaint assistance in Chattanooga.

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Ensuring Fair Housing in Chattanooga

Chattanooga's Fair Housing Program endeavors to assure decent and suitable living conditions for every citizen.

The fair housing law prohibits discrimination in the sale or rental of housing based on seven protected classes:

• Race

• Color

• Religion

• National Origin

• Sex

• Disability

• Familial Status

Discrimination is defined as unfair treatment towards a person or a family that falls within the purview of any of the seven protected classes.

Rules of the law apply to an owner or any other person engaged in managing housing transactions. Implementation of the law applies to financial institutions, real estate brokers, builders, operations, developers, insurance agents, owners or managers of rental units, and individual owners who place their property on the real estate market by advertising or displaying a notice.

Fair Housing Objectives and Law Compliance

The City of Chattanooga's Fair Housing Opportunities Ordinance mirrors Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 which prohibits unlawful discrimination in housing.



To "affirmatively further fair housing" with a focus on inclusion and achieving parity.


To research and analyze Chattanooga's housing posture and identify actions and strategies that impact equal housing opportunities.


To provide outreach activities which educate citizens, agencies, and advocacy groups on their fair housing rights and responsibilities.


To train and assist housing, lending, and human/social services organizations on adhering to the fair housing law and implementing housing equality initiatives.

What housing is covered under the law?

Housing practitioners are expected to comply with effective fair housing practices. 

The dwellings covered are:

  • Apartments rented or leases

  • Houses sold or rented

  • Boarding and rooming house rentals

  • Mobile Home Parks

  • Condominiums

  • Vacant property to be developed for housing

Other dwellings may include:

  • Homeless/safety shelters

  • Hotels and motels

Fair Housing Activities and Initiatives

The program aims to promote truth, justice, peace, fairness, equality and local goodwill.
In administering the fair housing program the City of Chattanooga:


Addresses questions and concerns from citizens regarding fair housing rights and makes referrals.


Serves as a resource in civil rights issues related to fair housing and equal opportunity.


Promotes fair housing law by working closely with housing practitioners, advocacy groups, human/social services agencies, community organizations and professional affiliates.


Works with various housing organizations to strengthen the promotion of housing equality.


Supports various community initiatives that have a focus on accessibility, heritage and multiculturalism. 


Conducts fair housing presentations for housing practitioners and area schools, colleges, and universities.


Provides exhibits at community functions and trade shows.


Promotes placement of the equal opportunity logo on all printed materials.

Filing a Complaint

Through the Federal Fair Housing Assistance program, there is an investigative process for handling housing discrimination. 

If you have a question, believe you have experienced discrimination, or would like to file a complaint, contact:

  • Tennessee Human Rights Commission
    • Address: Andrew Johnson Building, Suite 100
      710 James Robertson Pkwy
      Nashville, TN 37243-1219
    • Call: (615) 741-5825
    • Visit:
  • City of Chattanooga Contact:
    Antonia Morgan
    City of Chattanooga 
    Compliance Officer
    • Call: (423) 643-8240

Contact Us

(423) 643-7353 (423) 643-7353
Regina Partap
(423) 643-7335 (423) 643-7335