Displaying 5137 result(s)
2023 | 31630 Office Lease with HC Mental Health Court | Resolutions |
2023 | 31629 Appt Brett Smalley (Sports Authority) | Resolutions |
2023 | 31628 Appt Daisy Madison (Sports Authority) | Resolutions |
2023 | 31627 Appt Gertha Lee-Sharp (Community Advisory-South Region) | Resolutions |
2023 | 31626 Appt Nadia Kain (IDB) | Resolutions |
2023 | 31625 Award professional services On-Call blanket contract $12 million | Resolutions |
2023 | 31624 Consent to Assignment K.S. Ware to Athena Engineering | Resolutions |
2023 | 31623 Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Grant $3 million | Resolutions |
2023 | 31622 Renaming pavilion Triangle Park 4412 Mayfair Ave - Melinda Hickey Memorial Pavilion | Resolutions |
2023 | 31621 Community-based Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative (CVIPI) Grant $2 million | Resolutions |