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Grants, Awards & Competitions

Find about grants, awards, and competitions in Chattanooga, including the Green Grants Program.

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What Are the Green Grants?


Logo for Resource Rain Green Grants, featuring a green raindrop with leaves inside, symbolizing environmental sustainability.

The City's Stormwater Management Program has created the Green Grants Program for property owners who seek to improve water quality and/or go beyond their Stay-on-Volume (SOV) requirement for a green infrastructure (GI) redevelopment or retrofit project.

The grant will provide businesses, institutions and other non-single family residential customers partial funding for the design and construction of green infrastructure projects on private properties.

Some examples of green infrastructure are, but are not limited to:

  • Bioretention
  • Pervious Pavement
  • Green Roofs
  • Tree Trenches/boxes 
  • Reduced Impervious Surfaces
  • Capture and Reuse
  • Naturalized Basins

Discover the Green Grants Program

Unlock the full details and learn how you can make a difference in your community. Download the comprehensive Green Grants Program Outline now.


To increase water quality of Chattanooga's local waterways by focusing efforts on existing sites that currently have no water quality control measures

To foster community stewardship and enthusiasm for green infrastructure

To spark interest of property owners to invest in green infrastructure retrofits


  • Green Grants is available to property owners of privately owned commercial, industrial, institutional, or multi-family residential properties within Chattanooga City limits
  • City staff will evaluate applications. Projects will be evaluated based on criteria listed in the Green Grants program outline 

Government and government-required projects are not eligible to participate in this program

How do I apply?

Download the Green Grants Program Outline, and fill out the application within

Email the application to  with "Green Grants Application" in the subject line 

Contact Us

(423) 643-6311 (423) 643-6311