State, local and federal agencies worked to tackle a brush fire on the side of Lookout Mountain. At 6:46 AM on 12/7/24, Chattanooga Fire companies were dispatched to the 700 block of S Scenic Highway after 911 received several calls about a fire in the woods. Access to the area that’s been burning has been challenging for firefighters so brush trucks and UTVs were used by emergency personnel. The US Forest Service, Tennessee Forestry, CFD, Lookout Mountain FD, CPD and HCEMS have all been on the call throughout the day. Drones have been used to show the scope of the fire and firefighters have been working together using different trails to extinguish it. Helicopters dropped water on the fire as part of the extinguishment efforts. In the morning, the CFD turned the incident over to the National Park Service and Tennessee Department of Agriculture Division of Forestry. By the afternoon, the fire made its way to the historic Incline Railway’s tracks. Evacuations got underway around the lower incline station as a safety precaution, including multiple businesses and residences. Approximately 20 homes on Old Mountain Road and W 40th Street were evacuated. By 5PM, all evacuations were lifted and St. Elmo reopened after Incline Railway maintenance personnel secured their rail cars. The National Park Service and Tennessee Department of Agriculture Division of Forestry are still working to extinguish the fire on the mountain with the help of the CFD and others.
There is a fire break around the entire impacted area. The only fire that crews are having to deal with is the railroad ties from the incline which is in areas that are very challenging to reach. Firefighters are holding the line and making sure everything is protected. There are multiple people on “fire watch” throughout the night (Saturday 12/7 into Sunday 12/8) at various locations of the rail.
Sunday 12/8/24: Calls are still coming into 911 about smoke on the mountain. We appreciate the care and concern and hope the public knows that public safety agencies continue working this incident. Part of the incline railway’s tracks continue to smolder. Chattanooga Fire is assisting Lookout Mountain Fire by having our firefighters out in UTVs riding the trails to monitor the area.
Information from TN Wildland Fire: Over the weekend, a fire popped up on Lookout Mountain, near Chattanooga. The fire is now 100% contained. The fire is on National Park Service (NPS) land, so NPS is the lead agency on this incident. Our team, along with the local fire and police department, supported suppression efforts. The fire reached 10.77 acres in size. Part of the incline railway was damaged by the fire and will require repairs. NPS and local FD personnel continue to monitor the situation.
Press release from the National Park Service regarding the wildland fire on Lookout Mountain: On Saturday, December 7, a wildland fire was reported on the eastern slope of Lookout Mountain within the boundaries of Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park, south of the Incline Railway, near the Hardy Trail. Resources were mobilized immediately, and a Type 1 Helicopter was able to successfully complete several water drops throughout the day. Currently the cause of the fire is undetermined and is still being investigated by a National Park Service fire investigator. The fire is approximately 10 acres and is 100% contained with crews continuing to monitor the fire. Multiple agencies have assisted with fire suppression including Lookout Mountain Fire and Police (TN and GA), National Park Service, Chattanooga Fire and Police Department, Tennessee Division of Forestry, East Ridge Police Department, Catoosa County Fire Department, West Brow, Hamilton County Rehab, Walker County Fire Department, Red Bank Fire Department, Tri Community Fire Department. These agencies were instrumental at mobilizing and protecting property. As a result of this fire, the tracks/rails along the Incline Railway caught fire creating black smoke from the railroad ties and may be visible for the next several days. The Mountain Beautiful Trail on Lookout Mountain remains closed until further notice.
Press release from the National Park Service on the investigation into the fire: On Saturday, December 7, a wildland fire was reported on the eastern slope of Lookout Mountain within the boundaries of Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park, south of the Incline Railway, near the Hardy Trail. After a thorough investigation by a National Park Service investigator, the cause of the wildfire which ignited within the Lookout Mountain Battlefield was determined to be a natural event. The event began around 5:30 am on December 7 with a large rockslide, likely caused by freeze/thaw action. Large boulders tumbled from the top of Lookout Mountain towards Ochs Highway. The boulders struck many trees and other stationary boulders along the way, creating immense heat and sparks. The boulders also pushed over a large tree which struck a power line that parallels the Hardy Trail. Although the powerline strike could have created sparks, the evidence on scene indicates the rockslide as the probable cause of the fire. No evidence of human activity was found in the steep slope area where the wildfire originated. The wildfire is currently determined to be 100% controlled, meaning it is fully contained and not expected to spread under current conditions with minimal monitoring. The final investigation report will be completed once the fire is determined to be officially out, which is anticipated to occur within two weeks, once there is no visible smoke and the fire area is cold with no hotspots. The Mountain Beautiful Trail on Lookout Mountain remains closed until further notice.