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CFD Maintains ISO 1 Rating

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The Chattanooga Fire Department continues to provide exemplary service and has proudly retained the top fire protection rating. After a thorough review of our operations, the CFD has maintained a Class 1 Public Protection Classification. Our department was originally upgraded from a Class 2 to a Class 1 Public Protection Classification in 2018 and ISO reviews are conducted about every five years to ensure the highest level of performance.

The Class 1 rating is the highest rating given by the Insurance Services Office (ISO), which rates the ability of fire departments across the country to respond to and suppress structure fires. The ISO 1 classification means lower insurance premiums will be maintained for local homeowners and commercial property owners. Although there are too many variables to determine what exactly those cost savings look like, we have set our citizens up to get the lowest possible rates thanks to the hard work of the men and women of the CFD.

The ISO uses four main criteria in determining a fire department’s classification:
1. Emergency Communications –(the 911 system)
2. Fire Department – (including equipment, staffing, training, geographic distribution of fire companies)
3. Water Supply – (including the number and location of hydrants, as well as the inspection and flow testing of hydrants.
4. Community Risk Reduction – (including code inspections, fire investigations and public education activities)

Less than 500 fire departments in the country, out of almost 30,000 in the U.S., have a Class 1 rating, placing the Chattanooga Fire Department in the top one percent of all departments nationwide.

“Protection of our public is our number one priority and this is another way that we can provide excellent service to our citizens by lowering overall costs of homeowners insurance, as well as our commercial businesses, with regard to fire protection,” said Chattanooga Fire Chief Phil Hyman.

ISO is an independent company that serves insurance companies, communities, fire departments, insurance regulators, and others by providing information about risk. ISO’s staff collects information about municipal fire suppression efforts in communities throughout the United States. In each of these communities, ISO analyzes the relevant data and assigns a Public Protection Classification grade – a number from 1 to 10. Class 1 represents an exemplary fire suppression program, and Class 10 indicates that the area’s fire suppression program does not meet ISO’s minimum criteria.

"One of the best things about living in the City of Chattanooga is knowing that if tragedy strikes and your home or business catches fire, one of the finest fire departments in the entire country will be there to fight the flames and keep you safe," said Mayor Tim Kelly. "Anybody that's interacted with the Chattanooga Fire Department knows they are the best of the best. Fewer than 1% of fire departments nationwide receive this ISO 1 rating, so it is a remarkable accomplishment. All of Chattanooga should join me in congratulating and thanking Fire Chief Phil Hyman and the brave men and women of CFD."