A woman was left with burns late Friday night after an apparent mishap while smoking in bed while on oxygen. At 11 PM on 7/12/24, CFD Blue Shift companies responded to an automatic alarm at 500 W Martin Luther Blvd (Jaycee Towers) and saw smoke coming from a resident’s apartment. Firefighters found the victim on the floor and fire on her bed. They rescued the woman and she was transported to the hospital by Hamilton County EMS with burns on her stomach and leg. The fire was extinguished with water cans. Engine 1, Squad 1, Ladder 1, Engine 17, Engine 12, Ladder 5, Battalion 1, and CFD Investigations responded.
The CFD once again urges the public to never smoke in bed, especially while on oxygen because of the dangers. Mattresses and bedding can catch on fire easily, causing injuries and damage. There is *no* safe way to smoke around home oxygen. Medical oxygen can explode if a flame or spark is near. Even if the oxygen is turned off, it can still catch on fire. When oxygen is used in the home, the amount of oxygen in the air, furniture, clothing, and hair goes up, making it easier for a fire to start and spread.

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