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Line of Duty Death: Chattanooga Fire Captain George Turley

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It is with the heaviest hearts that the Chattanooga Fire Department announces the line-of-duty death of the most senior member of our department, Captain George Turley (Engine 16 Blue Shift). Captain Turley, 58, served 31 years in the CFD and to say that he was well-liked and respected by his fellow firefighters is an understatement. He was on duty Saturday (12/14/24) at Station 16 on Lupton Drive (Lupton City) and doing his daily workout in the gym in the apparatus bay when he suffered a medical emergency. Members of his crew found him unresponsive and initiated CPR. Captain Turley was rushed to the hospital where life-saving efforts continued, but ultimately and tragically, he passed away. It is an unbelievably sad blow to the CFD and especially to George’s family, including his wife, Debbie, and their two sons. Members of the command staff, Chattanooga Fire Fighters Association Local 820, and Captain Turley’s coworkers have been offering his family support and assistance in the wake of his sudden death, along with the members of his Engine 16 crew. Our Peer Support Team is available for all of our firefighters.

Captain Turley’s passion for the fire service and compassion for others has left a mark on many in our department. He truly cared about the job and he wanted it done right, making him a role model and strong leader in the CFD. He was a staple in the Hixson community who always went the extra mile to make school visits and station visits extra special for children. George was a good person and a solid firefighter who will be greatly missed. He enjoyed teaching and also worked as an Instructional Specialist for Emergency Response Training for TVA.

Please continue to pray for Captain Turley’s family and crew. Thank you for all of the kindness that’s been shown to the CFD following this terrible loss.