Our Meetings
Regular Meeting Schedule
Recurring Committees
Ways To Participate In Council Meetings
Attend In Person
- Any person may attend the above-listed meetings in person. All meetings are open and accessible.
- Addressing the Council - At the end of each Council business meeting, the Chairperson will recognize members of the public who wish to address the Council. The following procedural rules will apply:
Each speaker wishing to address the Council shall be recognized only at the microphone provided for that purpose.
No person shall have more than three (3) minutes to speak
The speaker may address the Council only upon matters within legislating and quasi-judicial authority of the Council. The speaker may not address the Council on matters which are not under the authority of the Council and which are regulated by other governmental bodies or agencies.
The speaker shall not be permitted to use any vulgar or obscene language, nor use the floor to personally attach or personally denigrate others. The speaker should address the Council as a whole and not make comments directed towards individual Council members.
Persons wishing to address the Council may do so only once during a Council day, either at the Agenda session, at the Committee meeting, or at the Council business meeting.
The chair shall not permit Disorderly Conduct or Disrupting a Public Meeting which is prohibited by Tennessee law. A person commits an offense if the person substantially obstructs or interferes with the meeting by physical action or verbal utterance with the intent to prevent or disrupt a lawful meeting or gathering.
Watch The Youtube Livestream
- 2:00 p.m. Strategic Planning meetings (1st and 3rd Tuesdays as needed)
- Weekly 3:30 p.m. Council business meeting
Email or Physical Mail
- Any person may email comments to the full Council at Council-Clerk@chattanooga.gov or send your comments via US postal mail to the following address:
Chattanooga City Council
c/o Clerk to Council
1000 Lindsay Street
Chattanooga, TN 37402
Leave a Voicemail for Your Representative
- To leave a voicemail for your district councilperson, dial (423) 643-7170 and press the number of your district to leave your message. For example, when prompted, press one for the District One council person's direct line to leave a voicemail.
City Council Sections

Council Members








Clerk to Council

- Notice of Appointee Process
- Current and Previous Agendas
- Committee Schedule
- Council Business Meeting Stream
- List of Council Committees
- Strategic Planning Stream
- Open Records Requests
- Public Notices
- Council's Rules of Operation
- District Lookup
- New Council Districts Effective April 14th 2025
- Strategic Planning Agenda