Our Vision
To be respected and trusted by all segments of Chattanooga’s diverse community.
About Us
The Criminal Investigations Bureau is one of the three main divisions of the Chattanooga Police Department and is responsible for all investigative services. This bureau is split into two divisions, Investigative Services I which includes the Organized Crime and Violent Crime; and Investigative Services II which includes Property Crimes, Intelligence, and Family Justice Center.
Investigation Services 1
The Organized Crime Division is dedicated to investigating and dismantling criminal enterprises involved in illegal activities such as drug trafficking, firearms offenses, and other organized criminal behaviors. This division is comprised of the Narcotics Unit and Gun Team.
The Narcotics Unit works to combat illegal drug distribution and use through strategic investigations and enforcement. By targeting narcotics and related threats, the unit enhances public safety and helps prevent the harmful effects of drug trafficking. 24-hour on-call coverage provided by a team of assigned Investigators.
Gun Team
Our nationally recognized Gun Team leverages ballistic forensics with intelligence to identify and focus on gun violence perpetrators. Every firearm seizure made by members of the CPD and every shots fired call is investigated by the Gun Team Unit. Recognizing that the impact of gun violence extends beyond the initial victim, the CPD Gun Team works to help every community member feel safe in their neighborhood.
Investigation Services 1
The Violent Crimes Division consists of five different units which are the Homicide Unit, Crime Scene Unit, Fugitive Unit, AFIS Unit, and the Digital Forensics Unit. These units work collectively on violent and major cases.
Homicide Unit
The Homicide Unit investigates all suspicious deaths up to and including homicides. The unit is also responsible for investigating aggravated assaults resulting in life-threatening injury, kidnappings, hate crimes, suicides, and any other case deemed necessary and assigned by the Chief of Police.
Crime Scene Unit
The Crime Scene Unit supports the investigation(s) and prosecution(s) of our community's most violent offenses through meticulous and methodical scene investigations and evidence preservation. The unit accomplishes this by “discovering justice from forensic truth”.
Fugitive Unit
The Fugitive Unit pursues, locates and apprehends dangerous fugitives. The fugitives are most often wanted for violent offenses such as murder, sexual assault, and robbery.
The AFIS Unit is responsible for collecting, developing and analyzing latent prints found at crime scenes. The AFIS Unit will compare the unknown fingerprints to known fingerprints through the AFIS System.
Digital Forensics Unit
The Digital Forensic Unit (“DFU”) is responsible for collecting, analyzing and preserving digital evidence from computers, tablets, cell (smart) phones and any other digital devices to assist lead investigators in possible evidence collection. DFU Investigators also provide expert testimony in court as needed.
Investigation Services 2
The Property Crimes Division consists of five investigative units. The Robbery, Burglary, Fraud, Auto Crimes and Pawn units collectively investigate crimes that relate to property offenses. These crimes generally include theft and fraud, with the goal of recovering stolen or fraudulently obtained property or money, and the prosecution of the offenders who are responsible.
Robbery Unit
The Robbery Unit investigates all cases of business and personal robberies, as well as carjacking incidents and home invasion style robberies.
Fraud Unit
The Fraud Unit investigates financial crimes that include identity theft, embezzlement, check and credit card fraud and a wide variety of scams and confidence (con) games.
Auto Crimes Unit
The Auto Crimes Unit investigates a plethora of vehicle related crimes to include auto theft and auto burglaries. Additional vehicle related crimes are also investigated, such as chop shops, VIN swapping, catalytic converter thefts and vehicle related frauds. Vehicles that can be investigated include passenger and commercial vehicles, heavy equipment, motorcycles and boats.
Burglary Unit
The Burglary Unit investigates burglaries from homes, businesses and storage unit facilities. Organized Retail Theft (ORT) crimes are investigated to combat nationwide and high dollar theft operations.
Pawn Unit
Tracks stolen property using national databases. Helps to return stolen property to victims of burglaries, robberies and other thefts. Maintains relationships with pawn shops where many stolen items are sold.
Investigation Services 2
The Chattanooga Police Department Intelligence Division encompasses three separate but intertwined units, the Real Time Intelligence Center, Intelligence Unit, and the Crime and Intelligence Analysis Unit. The three units work together to collect, analyze, and disseminate intelligence for the Chattanooga Police Department, our community, and our law enforcement partners, as appropriate. The Intelligence Division spearheads the data-driven and intelligence-led policing philosophies for the Chattanooga Police Department.
Real Time Intelligence Center
The Real Time Intelligence Center (“RTIC”) serves the City of Chattanooga by utilizing our public safety camera network as an investigative tool. RTIC investigators monitor critical areas of historical violence established by a data-driven approach ensuring the CPD is responsive to violent crime reduction. RTIC assists CPD Officers by providing them with real time intelligence on calls for service and active investigations.
Intelligence Unit
The Intelligence Unit’s primary function is to support departmental operations by providing strategic and tactical intelligence necessary to develop our law enforcement priorities, strategies, and investigative procedures related to criminal investigations. The Intelligence Unit focuses on organized crime disruption, persistent violent offenders, and community safety related threats to include terrorism and threats of mass violence.
Crime and Intelligence Analysis Unit
The Crime and Intelligence Analysis Unit (“CIAU”) integrates data-driven strategies with real time insight to address crime trends, disrupt criminal networks, and optimize resource deployment. This process aligns with the CPD intelligence-led policing philosophy and strengthens community safety through proactive and evidence-based practices. The CIAU is heavily involved with the communities of Chattanooga and provides ongoing analysis of crime trends and patterns to better serve those communities through our law enforcement efforts.
Investigation Services 2
Special Victims and Juvenile/Missing Persons are two CPD units located within the Chattanooga - Hamilton County Family Justice Center (“FJC”). These two units partner with many of the other agencies housed within the FJC. The investigators in both units are specially trained to handle cases involving victims of sexual assault, child abuse/neglect, elder abuse, missing persons, runaways, and other sensitive cases involving vulnerable victims.
Special Victims Unit
The Special Victims Unit investigates sensitive cases such as domestic violence, sexual assault, crimes against children, and elder abuse. In addition to investigating these cases, investigators collaborate with victim advocates and other support services and crisis centers to provide assistance to victims and their families.
Juvenile/Missing Persons
The Juvenile/Missing Persons Unit is a specialized unit dedicated to investigating cases involving minors (under 18 years old) and individuals, of any age, who have gone missing. As it relates to juvenile crimes, these investigators work with juvenile offenders to balance enforcement with other rehabilitative, educational, and diversion programs that may be available through other agencies or appointed by Hamilton County Juvenile Court.
Missing Persons investigators work to identify, locate, and assist each person who is reported missing to include runaway juveniles. They are responsible for coordinating with the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation on issuing statewide Silver and Amber Alerts, as necessary. This unit also provides information to NamUs, a national online database designed to help locate and identify missing persons and unidentified remains.


