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Our Mission

To keep you, your family, and our community safe.

Our Vision

To be respected and trusted by all segments of Chattanooga’s diverse community.

About Us

The Chattanooga Police Department (CPD) is the primary law enforcement organization serving Chattanooga, Tennessee. The CPD responds 24 hours a day, seven days a week to any requests for police service within the city limits.


Chattanooga Police Car

Police Divisions

Neighborhood Policing and Development

Criminal Investigations

Special Operations

Office of Public Affairs

Internal Affairs

Victim Services


Police Executive Staff


police officer in uniform smiling with american flag in background
Johnathan Chambers
Chief of Police


Toby Hewitt
Toby Hewitt
Deputy Chief of Police


Jonathan Bryant
Jonathan Bryant
Executive Chief of Criminal Investigations & Special Operations


Jerri Sutton
Jerri Sutton
Chief of Staff
Assistant Chief of Neighborhood Policing & Development


Jason Lewis
Jason Lewis
Assistant Chief of Criminal Investigations & Special Operations


              Emergencies: 911

              To report a crime or request assistance: 
              (423) 698-2525

              General Information:
              (423) 643-5000

              Crime Prevention and Community Outreach:
              (423) 643-5090

              Crime Stoppers Hotline:
              (423) 698-3333

              Drug Tip Hotline:
              (423) 493-BUST (2878)

              Homicide Tip Line: 
              (423) 643-5100


Is there a waiting period before I can report someone missing?

No. You can make a missing person report whenever you realize that someone is missing.

How do I report online child pornography?

You can report the internet or any other kind of child pornography to the FBI Office of Crimes Against Children at (202) 324-3666 or the National Child Pornography Tipline at 1-800-843-5678. If online, report violations here

Can I make a police report any time of day or do I need an appointment?

The police department will respond 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to any requests for police service. Emergency calls should be made to 911. Non-emergency matters may be handled by calling (423) 698-2525.

Can I make a police report over the telephone or does a police officer have to come to my house?

Some reports may be taken over the telephone. The dispatcher who answers your call can determine if your report can be taken over the phone by Tele-Serve.

Someone has abandoned a junk car on my property or parking lot. Can the police tow it away?

The police department can only tow cars that have been abandoned on public property. You may call a wrecker service of your choice to tow the car away.

I have left my spouse and I am living elsewhere, but I need to get my belongings. Can the police help me?

The police department can send officers to keep the peace and prevent violence while you retrieve your property. Call the police from a phone nearby and an officer will go to the house with you.

How can I find out if someone is in jail, when someone in jail can be visited, or any other information about persons in jail?

The Chattanooga Police Department does NOT operate the jail. For jail information, call the Hamilton County Sheriff's Office at (423) 209-7050.

My friend or relative is overdue returning home. How can I find out if they were involved in a traffic accident?

If a person is injured in a traffic accident and they are unable to call for themselves, the police department will notify their family. The 911 Center dispatchers do not have the names of persons involved in traffic accidents. The names are not available until later when the reports are turned in. 

How do I obtain a copy of an incident/accident report?

You can get copies of Police reports at the Police Services Center at 3410 Amnicola Highway. Call (423) 643-5000 to check the status of a report.

I need Police assistance, but it's not an emergency. Who do I call?

Any criminal or suspicious activities that are not emergencies can be reported to the Chattanooga Police Department by calling (423) 698-2525.

What can I do to help prevent crime in my neighborhood?

Having an active Neighborhood Watch Group can help prevent crime. For information on starting a Neighborhood Watch Group, contact the Crime Prevention office at (423) 643-5090.

My family and I are going on vacation. Can the police keep an eye on our home while we are gone?

You can call (423) 698-2525 to have your home placed on a "watch list". While the Police Department does not have the manpower to watch your home 24 hours a day, the officers assigned to your area will check on your property as their call loads permit.

We have a problem with speeders and other traffic violators in our neighborhood. What can we do about it?

Call the Police Traffic Division at (423) 643-5238.

Can I report drunk drivers to 911?

Yes. Calls to 911 are free. Do not try to pursue the drunk driver or place yourself in danger. When you call, you will be asked for a description of the car, location, and direction of travel.

How can I evict someone from my property?

Eviction is a legal process that often requires a court order. Call the Civil Process division of the Hamilton County Sheriff's Office for further information. The phone number is (423) 209-7160.

How do I apply for a position with the Chattanooga Police Department?

You may call the Recruiting Unit at (423) 643-5088 or Human Resource Division at (423) 757-5200.  You can also e-mail the CPD Recruiting Unit.

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For emergencies contact 911, this site is not monitored 24/7. To explore police services, visit our service page.

Contact Us

3410 Amnicola Hwy.
Chattanooga,TN 37406
(423) 643-5000 (423) 643-5000

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.