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Neighborhood Policing and Development

Our Mission

To keep you, your family, and our community safe.

Our Vision

To be respected and trusted by all segments of Chattanooga’s diverse community.

About Us

The Neighborhood Policing and Development Bureau is responsible for all Patrol related functions and the largest division of the Chattanooga Police Department with more than 200 officers serving citywide 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. The bureau is made up of three sectors - Adam, Baker, and Charlie - covering approximately 145 square miles. The Neighborhood Policing and Development Bureau officers respond to 240,000+ calls for service annually. 

Division Structure

Sector One (Adam):

  • Adam North (North Chattanooga, Riverview, Mountain Creek, Signal Mountain Road area, Hixson, Middle Valley)
  • Adam South (South Chattanooga, St. Elmo, Alton Park, Tiftonia, Lookout Valley, Coolidge Park, Renaissance Park, North Shore, downtown area, MLK Boulevard, Main Street areas, Lincoln Park, Westside Community)

Sector Two (Baker):

  • Baker North (Youngstown Road, Bonny Oaks Drive to Lightfoot Mill Road, North Crest Road, McCallie Avenue, river on the West)
  • Baker South (Ridgedale, Highland Park, Eastlake, I-24 East and West)

Sector Three (Charlie):

  • Charlie South (Chattanooga Metropolitan Airport, Eastgate Town Center, I-75 and I-24 split)
  • Charlie North (Highway 58, East Brainerd, Ooltewah area, I-75, Hwy 153)


To find lasting solutions to problems that affect our community's quality of life.



Jerri Sutton
Chief of Staff Jerri Sutton
Chief of Neighborhood Policing and Development


JayEvan Montgomerey
Major JayEvan Montgomery
Neighborhood Policing and Development Commander


Helpful Lines

  • Emergencies: 911
  • To report a crime or request assistance: (423) 698-2525
  • General Information: (423) 643-5000
  • Crime Prevention and Community Outreach: (423) 643-5090
  • Crime Stoppers Hotline: (423) 698-3333
  • Drug Tip Hotline: (423) 493-2878
  • Homicide Tip Line: (423) 643-5100

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Hours of Operation

8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.