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Special Operations

Our Mission

To keep you, your family, and our community safe.

Our Vision

To be respected and trusted by all segments of Chattanooga’s diverse community.

About Us

The Special Operations Bureau is responsible for all training, recruiting, traffic operations, tactical operations, community outreach, and technical support for the department. This bureau is comprised of Special Operations and Support Services. Special Operations includes full-time and ancillary units. Full-time units are Traffic, DUI, Special Events, School Patrol, K-9 Services, and Regulatory Unit. Ancillary units include SWAT, HNT, Honor Guard, IMT, MFF, Drone, and EOD.

Ancillary Units

SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics)

Special Weapons and Tactics (“SWAT”) operators are intended to be utilized in the following situations: Hostage incidents, barricaded suspect incidents, sniper incidents, high-risk warrant execution, high risk situations as directed by the Chief of Police or their designee, dignitary protection, and any incident to which HNT responds.

HNT (Hostage Negotiation Team)

Hostage Negotiation Team (“HNT”) operators are intended to be utilized in the following situations: Hostage incidents, barricaded suspect incidents, situations involving threatened suicide and high-risk situations as directed by the Chief of Police of their designee.

Honor Guard

Honor Guard officers are tasked with ceremonial duties related to prestigious events, funerals, and special events.

IMT (Incident Management Team)

Incident Management Team (“IMT”) officers utilized to assist with and/or manage the department’s response to large-scale incidents.

MFF (Mobile Field Force)

Mobile Field Force (“MFF”) officers are utilized in the following situations: large scale disturbances, large gatherings, disturbances where there is potential for escalation of violence if a large-scale show of force is not present.

Drone/UAS Operations Unit (Unmanned Aircraft Systems Unit)

Drone operators are capable of flying UAS to assist with searching for missing persons, critical incidents, collecting imagery of crime scenes and traffic crash scenes, searching for fugitives, assisting the fire department, community outreach, providing a visual perspective for traffic and crowd control and safety, and disaster response support.

EOD (Explosive Ordinance Disposal Unit)

The Explosive Ordinance Disposal (“EOD”) Unit is utilized for the detection of explosive devices, the handling, transport, dismantling, defusing, or destruction of an actual or suspected explosive device.

Fulltime Units

Traffic Unit

The Traffic Unit focuses on enforcing traffic laws, investigating traffic-related accidents, and promoting road safety through education, campaigns and programs. 


The DUI unit is dedicated to identifying, apprehending, and processing drivers who are operating vehicles while impaired by alcohol, drugs, or other substances.

Special Events

The Special Events Unit is responsible for overseeing the department’s response to all special events which includes parades, athletic events, and demonstrations. The unit also develops planned response guidelines for each event that includes expected crime problems and preventative actions, traffic control and direction plans, coordination of department personnel, and coordination with outside agencies who may be involved with the event.

School Patrol

School Patrol is comprised entirely of professional staff members of the CPD. Its primary responsibility is to enhance the safety and security of students and staff in designated areas as they travel to and from school. 

K-9 (Canine Services)

The Canine Services Unit is responsible to assist other personnel within the department through the proper use of the specialized capabilities of canines and handlers. The primary areas of use include scent detection, high-risk search and apprehension, unusual occurrences, rescue operations and any other function requiring such specialized assistance.

Regulatory Unit

The Regulatory Unit is tasked with regulating all establishments licensed to serve beer in the City of Chattanooga, all wrecker companies towing vehicles at police request and Passenger Vehicle for Hire companies operating in the City of Chattanooga. This involves not only ensuring that these businesses comply with the Chattanooga City Ordinances governing beer sales, wrecker codes, and Passenger Vehicle for Hire; but also the application process to apply to sell beer or tow vehicles at police request.



Jonathan Bryant
Executive Chief Jonathan Bryant
Criminal Investigations & Special Operations


Jason Lewis
Assistant Chief Jason Lewis
Criminal Investigations & Special Operations


Timothy Tomisek
Major Tim Tomisek
Special Operations & Intelligence


Heather Williams
Captain Heather Williams
Special Operations Commander


Contact Us

3410 Amnicola Hwy.
Chattanooga,TN 37406
(423) 643-5000 (423) 643-5000