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Internal Affairs

The Chattanooga Police Department shall ensure the integrity of the Department and its employees by investigating all allegations of employee misconduct from any source, outside or inside the Department including third-party and anonymous complaints. To maintain integrity, our Department has gone to great lengths to insure accessibility to our Internal Affairs Investigators by as many means possible, including telephone, fax, mail, email, and walk-in access to an office kept at an entirely separate location next to the Office of the Mayor and apart from Police Headquarters.

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Daniel Jones
Danny Jones


Justin Kilgore
Justin Kilgore


What are the stages of an internal affairs case?

(In chronological order)

  1. Investigation is conducted and the IA Report is submitted to the IA Unit Commander.
  2. IA Unit Commander reviews the investigation and makes a Conclusion of Fact, which is based on the preponderance of evidence presented in the investigation.
  3. The Conclusion of Fact Report is submitted for review to the Professional Standards Division Commander, who makes a comparison of the employee action to CPD Policy, and then makes a written recommendation of findings on any policy violation.
  4. The Assistant Chief in command of the officer being investigated reviews the recommendation of the PSD Commander, indicating his/her own recommendation of findings and discipline for any infractions which are recommended to be sustained.
  5. The Administrative Review Committee (ARC) reviews the case, considers the recommendations, and makes its own recommendations to the Deputy Chief and Chief of Police.
  6. The Deputy Chief reviews the case and the recommendations from the ARC, further recommending to the Chief of Police a disposition of any findings.
  7. The Chief of Police may hold a Disciplinary Hearing, makes a final determination of whether any allegations are to be sustained, and imposes discipline for an officer whom he has determined to have violated policy.

What does sustained mean?

  • Not Sustained – The investigation failed to produce a preponderance of evidence to either prove or disprove the allegation;
  • Exonerated – The allegation in fact did occur but the actions of the employee were legal, justified, proper, and in conformance with the law and department policy and procedure;
  • Unfounded – The allegation concerned an act by a department employee which did not occur; or
  • Sustained – The investigation produced a preponderance of evidence to prove the allegation of an act which was determined to be misconduct.


Contact Us

Internal Affairs
100 E 11th Street, Suite 302
City Hall Annex
Chattanooga,TN 37402
(423) 643-6240 (423) 643-6240
(423) 643-6253 (423) 643-6253

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.