Our Vision
To be respected and trusted by all segments of Chattanooga’s diverse community.
About Us
The Chattanooga Police Department's Communications Office serves as a central source of information for the department and responds to requests for information by the news media and the community.
The Office of Public Affairs consists of two civilian roles (the Director of Public Affairs and a Social Media Coordinator) and one sworn police officer (Public Information Officer).
All Public Affairs personnel work with media on a daily basis, respond to requests from the public and participate in writing news releases. Additionally, they also provide media relations training for CPD officers, internal communications for department employees, and content management for the Chattanooga Police Department's website and social media platforms.
Our Office of Public Affairs at the Chattanooga Police Department is dedicated to fostering transparency, trust, and communication between our department and the community we serve.
Through these responsibilities and goals, the Office of Public Affairs strives to uphold the highest standards of professionalism and accountability while serving the diverse needs of Chattanooga's residents and stakeholders.

