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Code Enforcement

Our Mission

Code Enforcement protects public health, safety, and welfare by enforcing codes related to minimum housing standards for existing structures and properties. Enforcement of the City’s property maintenance codes includes addressing blight related to housing, litter, overgrowth, and inoperable vehicles on private property. Blight reduction supports property values, safe housing, and neighborhood livability while reducing fire and crime risks associated with dilapidated properties.

Keeping Chattanooga Beautiful!


Systematic Inspections: Neighborhood Associations can request systematic inspections be performed to address blocks of blight. The following week, inspectors post signs informing residents that neighborhood inspections for housing, litter, overgrowth and inoperable vehicle violations will occur. After 1 whole week, the neighborhood is re-inspected. Courtesy notices are mailed to those who still have violations. Court summonses follow if properties are not brought into compliance.

Fast-tracked City Abatement for Vacant Properties:

Vacant properties that are littered, overgrown, or need to be boarded may be City abated after only a 10-day waiting period. The property is posted with a Public Nuisance notice, a copy is mailed to the owner, and a lien is placed against the property for the cost incurred by the City.

Municipal Liens

Municipal Liens can be paid to the Office of the City Treasurer
Walk-in payments and mailed checks are accepted at:

Office of the City Treasurer
City Hall, Room 100
101 E 11 th Street
Chattanooga, TN 37402

For questions regarding payments. Please call the Treasurer’s office at (423) 643-7262
For general questions or concerns about Liens, please call the Code Enforcement office at (423) 643-7307.


  • To enforce codes to ensure safe housing and neighborhoods
  • To bring blighted properties into compliance as quickly as possible


Donna Casteel
(423) 643-7323 (423) 643-7323


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To explore code enforcement services, visit our services page.

Contact Us

6098 Debra Road
Chattanooga,TN 37411
(423) 643-7307 (423) 643-7307
(423) 643-7307 (423) 643-7307