About RainSmart
Chattanooga's RainSmart Rewards is a collection of programs designed to encourage residents to adopt sustainable land management practices focused on stormwater mitigation. We provide educational resources and financial incentives to promote the use of native plants, rain gardens, rain barrels, and other eco-friendly practices. Our goal is to engage Chattanooga residents in efforts to improve water quality, support biodiversity, and promote the restoration of local ecosystems.
Programs included in RainSmart
Rainsmart Rain Gardens
Install an approved RainSmart RainGarden to receive reimbursement up to $2000/property. Rain gardens utilize native plants with amended soil to capture and infiltrate stormwater runoff from your roof via gutters and downspouts.
Rain Barrels
Install an approved RainSmart Rain Barrel and receive a reimbursement of $50 per barrel, up to 10 barrels per property. Rain barrels are helpful tools to capture stormwater runoff for residential use.
Receive up to $1000 per property for installing a SupportScape, a native planting to address concerns related to erosion, invasive species, streambank restoration, pollinator habitat, and stormwater runoff.
RainSmart Yards
Receive a certification to earn a discount of up to 75% off your annual stormwater fee by utilizing stormwater mitigation practices, such as green infrastructure, native plants, and other sustainable measures to help keep our waterways healthy and clean.
Land Development Water Quality
Learn about Chattanooga's land development process, including site planning, construction inspection, and enforcement procedures.
Stormwater Division
The Stormwater Division manages public stormwater conveyances including drainage pipes and ditches across the City to safely convey stormwater runoff from streets and private property to streams, rivers, and lakes.
Plant Information
- Native Plant Database, Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center
- NC Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox
- Flora of the Southeastern US, NCBG
- Mt. Cuba Center Native Plant Finder
- Plants for Birds, Audubon
- USDA Plant Database
- Keystone Plants for Ecoregion 8
- Tennessee-Kentucky Plant Atlas
- TN-IPC Invasive Plants List
- SunCalc.org - check your property's sun conditions
- Calculate # of plants needed for your project
- "How to Pick Native Plants for Drainage Areas"
- Creating a Garden-scale Grassland: Part 1
- NatureServe Explorer
- Tennessee Valley Wild Ones
- Tennessee Native Plant Society
- Southeastern Grasslands Institute
- TN Invasive Plant Council
- Southeastern Plant Conservation Alliance
- Southeast Stormwater Association
- Center for Plant Conservation
Additional Resources