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Stormwater Public Education

Get involved with Chattanooga's Stormwater initiatives, including rate studies, stream restoration projects, and watershed education efforts in the region.

Status: Completed


Water Quality Program Rate Study

The HDR and Environmental Rate Consultants, Inc. (ERC) (The HDR/ERC Team) have been retained by the City of Chattanooga to perform a water quality program Rate Study Project that aims to develop a business plan and approach, reviewing and defining several levels of services and calculating the corresponding costs of services.

This is referred to as the Rate Study Project for the public works department water quality program.


Water Quality Program Documentation


Mountain Creek Stream Restoration Project

The stream restoration project involves a section of Mountain Creek that traverses through a highly populated residential area. The proposed restoration area consists of a stream section of approximately 900 linear feet. Large scale development in this area has resulted in excessive stream alteration (channel modification, invasive vegetation, sedimentation, stream bank erosion and water quality degradation).

The Stormwater Management Program works with various institutions (school-age groups, colleges and universities, neighborhood groups, civic organizations, non-profit/profit organizations and church groups) to educate the public on critical water quality management issues.


This stream section restoration will enhance and protect riparian habitat, improve water quality and aid hydrologic control. The project will also serve as mitigation for a 500 foot segment of the 5100 Block of Mountain Creek Road to the north of the subject site.

Lower Tennessee River Watershed Academy

The Stormwater Management Program is in the process of developing an online, interactive tool to help educate contractors, teachers and other community leaders by means of audience- specific information to promote awareness of issues associated with water quality management within the Lower Tennessee River Watershed.

Get To Know Your Watershed

The City of Chattanooga consists of 8 unique watersheds:

The Combined Sewer Area of Downtown Chattanooga is considered a drainage area rather than a watershed.  

See photos from recent clean-up efforts on Citico Creek 

Check the map below for detailed information about each watershed:



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(423) 643-5877 (423) 643-5877