In 2023, the Kelly Administration earned accolades in financial strength, made significant progress toward One Chattanooga goals, and continued its commitment to responsive and effective governing.
Chattanooga Mayor Tim Kelly and his administration released today a snapshot of the team’s achievements in 2023 as the year comes to an end. From the City’s AAA bond rating and accolades in financial reporting to the largest grant for urban forestry in our history, the Kelly Administration remains committed to a responsive and effective approach to governing and to improving the quality of life for every Chattanoogan in every corner of the city.
“I’m excited about the momentum we are carrying into the new year, and I’m proud to know that we are making our city an even better place for everyone who chooses to call Chattanooga home,” said Mayor Kelly. “While we haven’t yet arrived, the progress we’ve made in 2023 is substantial – and we’re going to continue to execute on the priorities and issues that matter most to Chattanooga’s residents in 2024.”


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