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Chattanooga Marathon / 5K / 10K / Kids Fun RuN

Detailed information regarding the Chattanooga Marathon / 5K / 10k / Kids
Fun Run road closures, lane narrowing, parking restrictions, and mapping
can be found in the attached PDF and on the Chattanooga Marathon website: <>.

As with all major events taking place within our public spaces, please use
caution when driving near participants, follow all instructions from
Chattanooga Police, and plan for additional travel time to your destination.

Friday, February 28th - Sunday, March 2nd

Set-up will close Reggie While Boulevard between W 19th Street and W Main
Street started at 6 AM and will reopen Sunday, March 2nd at 9 PM.

Saturday, March 1st

Chattanooga Marathon 5K, 10K, and Kids Fun Run will primarily affect Main
Street between Riverfront Parkway and Central Ave between 8 AM and Noon with
the 5K starting at 8:50 AM and the 10K at 9 AM.

These specific road closures and restrictions include:

Main Street from Central Ave to Riverfront Parkway - Fully closed

W 13th Street from Cowart to Carter - Fully closed

Cowart Street from Main to W 13th - Fully closed

Carter Street northbound from Main to W 13th

The 10K run is new for 2025 and will include all the above restrictions

The southbound right lane of Riverfront Parkway from MLK Blvd to W 19th
Street will be closed.

Main Street between Riverfront Parkway and Reggie White Blvd will be closed

Please note: Parking restrictions exist where 'No Parking Special Event'
signage is posted which includes all street parking within the Main Street

Sunday, March 2nd

The full Marathon will see the highest downtown traffic impact and closures
between 7:30 AM and 3:00 PM.  The attached PDF includes a detailed mapping
of the course route and notes the exact locations of numerous closures and

Please note: Parking restrictions exist where 'No Parking Special Event'
signage is posted which includes the following corridors

*Riverfront Parkway southbound street parking between Molly Lane and W
Martin Luther King Blvd*

*Main Street westbound street parking between Cowart Street and Madison

*Mocs Alumni Boulevard (formerly E 5th Street) eastbound street parking
between Terrell Owens Way and Palmetto Street*

*Vine Street eastbound between Lindsay Street and Douglas Street *

*Carter Street northbound street parking between W Main Street and W 13th

Additional information can be found on the Chattanooga Marathon website.

View CDOT's map of events and road closures
for full details of these activities and other projects underway in our
public space.


Contact Us

(423) 643-5950 (423) 643-5950