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Mayor’s Updates

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Mayor Tim Kelly today signed a proclamation declaring August Older Adults Month in Chattanooga and announced Aging with Grace, a July 29th gathering for older adults hosted by the Mayor’s Council on Livability and Aging, his advisory panel whose mission is to positively impact the lives of Chattanooga’s seniors. 

“Chattanooga’s roughly 65,000 seniors are an important part of the fabric of our culture, and Older Adults Month offers a unique opportunity to uplift and celebrate all they bring to our community,” said Mayor Tim Kelly. 

Chattanooga City Council today approved a resolution authorizing Mayor Tim Kelly to formalize a resident-led partnership effort between the City of Chattanooga and Trostyanets – a Ukrainian city that survived 31 days of Russian occupation and is struggling to recover from the effects of the ongoing Russian invasion. No city funds will be allocated toward the agreement. 

The City of Chattanooga is proud to announce the official launch of the Mentor Hub, a new tool designed in collaboration with local organizations to foster meaningful connections between community members and organizations offering mentoring services for youth.

Two single-unit structures will provide temporary shelter during the 12 month pilot.

Mayor Tim Kelly is excited to invite all members of the community to join him at the 2023 State of the City event to continue the conversation about the administration’s strategic vision for a more prosperous and vibrant Chattanooga. 

Mayor Kelly will provide an update on his One Chattanooga plan, the progress that has been made, and the road that lies ahead. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage with city and community leaders. 

After a nationwide search, City and Library welcome new director from Oregon
One Chattanooga budget includes promised funding for public safety, roads and bridges, affordable housing and new parks, while optimizing city service delivery and performance, and prioritizing essential workers
City Council to weigh a resolution establishing a cooperative agreement between two municipalities to help mobilize expertise, philanthropy, and trade

The City of Chattanooga and Chattanooga Neighborhood Enterprise (CNE) will launch a First-Time Home Buyer Grant and Loan Program at the city-hosted Affordable Housing Resource Fair on June 12 at the Glenwood Community Center. The new program will offer 0% interest loans and small grants to help Chattanoogans earning at or below 100% area median income (AMI) buy a home. City officials, CNE, and representatives from local service providers will host a panel discussion at the event on June 12 to explain the program and to start taking applications. 

The City Council voted on Tuesday to confirm the appointment by Mayor Tim Kelly of Mark Heinzer as the administrator for the Wastewater Department.

Mayor Kelly said, “Mark has been leading our Wastewater division and now department on an interim basis for a couple of years, and I couldn’t be happier to make it official. As we conducted a national search for a new Administrator this spring, it became crystal clear that Mark is the best candidate for this job.