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State, County and City have now committed a combined $450,000 in funding for $2 million Heritage Park project that will be Chattanooga’s largest inclusive playground

New program launches today, allows the city to incentivize individual units at even lower rents Chattanooga, Tenn. (June 10, 2024) – Today, the City of Chattanooga launched its new affordable housing Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) program. The new PILOT rules allow the city to incentivize individual affordable housing units, offer greater incentives for units with lower rents, and better reflect the variation in market rents across different areas of the city.

Gov. Lee signs Kelly Administration-backed bill allowing incentives for housing affordability.
The system will alert drivers to blocked railroad crossings at major community roads, giving them enough time to take alternative routes if necessary.
Plan deploys excess stockpile while maintaining best-in-class reserve fund levels
The firm awarded the request-for-qualification (RFQ) would develop a comprehensive analysis of the project’s implementation, including economic benefits and planning feasibility.
The Office of Community Health launches new program addressing mental health needs in underserved communities of Chattanooga.
The capital city of Ghana becomes Chattanooga’s first African sister city.
Road to be reconfigured in two phases through the middle of May, improving safety, and adding parking.
Chattanooga Parks and Outdoors was recognized as having the top-performing Facebook page.