Mostrando 5137 resultado(s)
2023 | 31840 2023.10.11 Legal Services 2023-2024 - Additional Firms | Resolutions |
2023 | 31839 SMART Grant from US Dept of Transportation $2 million | Resolutions |
2023 | 31838 Execute Quitclaim Deeds 15 parcels delinquent tax sales | Resolutions |
2023 | 31837 First Agreement to Exercise Option to Renew Diagnostic Radiology | Resolutions |
2023 | 31836 Economic Impact Plan The Bend | Resolutions |
2023 | 31835 Choice Neighborhoods Implementation (CNI) Grant and Partnership Certification CHA $50 million | Resolutions |
2023 | 31834 Donation Agreement with Chattanooga Housing Authority - 1195 Grace Street | Resolutions |
2023 | 31833 Donation Agreement with Chattanooga Housing Authority - 501 W. 12th Street | Resolutions |
2023 | 31832 Office Lease with HSOPSNF Family Justice Center | Resolutions |
2023 | 31831 Provide services Early Head Start $795,240 | Resolutions |