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Human Resources

Our Mission

Our Mission is to provide leadership, collaboration, and support services to departments in the selection, training, development, compensation, and well being of all employees. We will deliver best in class service to all customer groups including residents, employees, retirees, dependents, and applicants with a positive, engaging, and proactive approach. We strive to operate efficiently with integrity and transparency in support of the Mayor’s vision of One Chattanooga.

Our Vision

Serving the City of Chattanooga with competence, consistency, and care by fostering an engaged and motivated workforce.

About Us

The City of Chattanooga's number one priority is to provide the most effective and efficient services to our citizens. Our human resource approach is designed to provide one with challenging and rewarding opportunities and a chance to build a career and future.

Human Resources Divisions

Operations and Recruitment

Total Rewards

HRIS and Employment Services

Leadership and Professional Development

Safety, Compliance, and Risk Management


The Department of Human Resources takes care of the City's most valuable asset; its employees.  We ensure that our employees are equipped to perform their day-to-day tasks and promote a healthy work environment that attracts and retains qualified people. Listed below are some HR related functions: 

  • Attract, recruit, and retain most qualified talent
  • Support workforce planning: current and future hiring needs
  • Ensure compliance with federal, state, and local labor rules and regulations
  • Ensure effective employee relations
  • Manage compensation and employee benefits
  • Manage onboarding, training, and learning and development processes
  • Organize and oversee annual performance reviews


Human Resources Administration

Melody Wingfield
Chief Human Resources Officer
Daniel Harrigan
Deputy Chief Human Resources Officer
Sonia Fears
Executive Assistant

Operations and Recruitment

Burnessa Rollins
Director HR Operations

Total Rewards (Compensation & Benefits)

Starla Benjamin
Director Total Rewards

HRIS & Employment Services

Serene Siener
Director HRMS & Employment Svcs

Leadership & Professional Development


Safety, Compliance & Risk Management

Michael (Mike) Anthony
Director Safety, Compliance & Risk Management

General Questions

What can I do if I was treated unfairly at work?

Any City employee who feels they have been treated unfairly and/or in violation of their rights under City policies with regard to employment. Complete the grievance request here.

I was injured on the job. What do I need to do?

Report the incident to your supervisor as soon as possible. Click here for an IOD Packet.

My spouse and I just welcomed our first child. I need help adding my baby to my benefits.

Provide the birth certificate and call the Employee Benefits Office at (423) 643-7220 or email within 31 days of your child's birth to enroll in benefits.

What is my PTO (paid time off) balance?

Your PTO balance can be located by accessing Oracle Cloud then select "Time and Absences" to view your accrual balance.

How many PTO hours do I earn each year?

PTO is accrued per pay period for a full time employee based on the employee’s years of service. Please review the PTO accrual policy in the Employee Information Guide (EIG).

How can I get a copy of W-2s from past years? Who do I contact if I have questions about my W-2?

W-2s from previous years can be accessed from HRIS (Oracle Cloud). Access Oracle Cloud then go to the “Self Service” left navigation menu. Select “Document Records” to get a copy or a W-2 from past years.

The Payroll Office can assist you with questions regarding your W-2. You can reach them by calling (423) 643-7250 or by e-mailing

I am leaving the City. How do I find out about withdrawing or rolling over my pension contribution or elect retirement benefits?

The HR Business Partner (HRBP) assigned to your department will contact you to conduct an exit interview.

If you are eligible and wish to retire, please contact Manager Pension & Benefits by email to request an appointment to review your retirement benefits and options.

Where can I find human resource forms?

Most forms can be found here (the Landing Portal) under Forms Section.

Benefits enrollment forms (health, dental, vision, etc.) and Retirement forms can be found on the Benefits website.

For Leave of Absence forms, please contact the City's Leave Administrator at 1-877-377-6773.

Application Questions

How do I apply for a job with the City of Chattanooga?

If you are interested in a posted vacant position, you must submit an online application. Complete details about how to obtain information about job announcements and the application process appear on the Application Process page. View all posted jobs

What if I want to apply for a job that is not posted?

Applications are accepted only for open recruiting announcements. Join the City's Talent Community to receive notifications for future new job openings and employment opportunities. Access the City’s Talent Community page then follow the onscreen prompt to join.

I currently live outside of Tennessee. Can I apply for jobs with the City?

You do not have to be a Tennessee resident to apply for a job, but you must be a Tennessee resident on your first day of work, if hired. This is a provision of the City's charter and is not negotiable.

Will you accept my resume in lieu of application?

A completed application is required for most positions to formally apply for a job. The additional information provided by an application is needed to verify your employment history and qualifications.

I applied for a job with the City a few months ago. Can I use that application to apply for another job?

No. We require a separate application for each position. However, with our new applicant tracking system, you can store your profile information and apply for new positions with your stored information.

I saw a job I wanted to apply for, but it is listed under "Internal Openings" and I don't work for the City. Can I apply for it?

No, this job is only offered to current City employees. The City encourages its employees to apply for promotional opportunities so that they may have a lifelong career with the City.

We invite you to join the City's Talent Community to receive job announcement notifications for new job openings and employment opportunities.

I have applied for a job with the city. How do I find out what is happening with my application?

Follow the steps below to view your application status:

  • Go to the City of Chattanooga Career Center
  • Access your profile by clicking on the person icon. 
  • Confirm your identity with the email address used when you applied.
  • Once your identity is confirmed, you will be able to manage your profile or view your application status.

You may contact the Human Resources Department during our business hours to inquire about your application and receive an update on how the job is progressing.

Fire and Police Application Questions

Are there any additional documents I must submit with my application?

Yes, we require copies of the following documents: birth certificate, driver's license, DD214 (for applicants with military experience), and high school diploma or GED.

Does the Fire Department have a lateral entry program?

No, not at this time. View Fire Recruitment page.

Does the Police Department have a lateral entry program?

Yes. See Police recruitment page To qualify for Lateral Entry, candidate must satisfy the following prerequisites:

  1. Have at least two years of police patrol experience as a certified sworn officer in a city, county, state, or federal police agency and not have more of a break in service than time in their previous agency. Preference shall be given to former officers with not more than a two year break in service. No candidate shall be eligible for hire whose certification has been revoked for cause.
  2. Current or previously certified law enforcement officers. Such certification may be from any state.
  3. Meet all other requirements for selection as a police officer as established by the Sworn Personnel Selection Process (PER-12, Sworn Personnel Selection Process).

What does the background investigation consist of?

Test scores, preliminary interview results, polygraph exam, reference contacts, past employer contacts, credit history check, school verifications, military records check (if applicable), and neighborhood interviews.

Is a physical examination required?

A comprehensive medical exam, a two-phase psychological evaluation, and a final interview are conducted after a job offer has been extended with the stipulation that the applicant must pass these three phases to be hired.

How long is the fire academy?

Six months.

How long is the police academy?

20 weeks. Upon graduating from the academy, you will go through a three months field training program. 

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Contact Us

2nd Floor City Hall 101 E. 11th Street (ap)
Chattanooga,TN 37402
(423) 643-7200 (423) 643-7200
(423) 643-7226 (423) 643-7226

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.