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City of Chattanooga and partners are seeking a new round of project proposals and volunteer registrations.

The Chattanooga Fire Department is looking for firefighters who will strengthen and move our department forward. We are currently taking applications for fire cadets for our next fire academy which is set to start in January 2025. The 2024 Fire Academy is currently underway.

Accepting applications for fire cadets

The Chattanooga Fire Department is looking for firefighters who will strengthen and move our department forward. We are currently taking applications for fire cadets for our next fire academy which is set to start in January 2025. The 2024 Fire Academy is currently underway. 

$2 Million Reconnecting Communities grant will help planning and engineering for Westside Evolves, $2 Million Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation grant to implement technology for detecting vulnerable road users at mid-block crossings.

A home in the Woodmore community of Chattanooga was destroyed by fire Wednesday morning. At 6:05 AM on 3/13/24, Chattanooga Fire companies responded to a house in the 4500 block of Midland Pike. Neighbors called 911 to report that the residence was burning and firefighters from Station 13 could see flames from North Moore Road as they headed to the scene. They found heavy fire conditions on arrival with flames through the roof of the structure.

New Payment in Lieu of Taxes program would allow for more participation from more developers, even lower rents in affordable units, and program adjustments by ZIP code.
Chattanooga one of 25 cities selected by Bloomberg Philanthropies for three-year initiative to help cities leverage federal funding to build resilient, economically-thriving communities

One man was sent to the hospital with injuries Saturday morning after escaping his burning home in Lookout Valley. At 6:48 AM on 3/9/24, Green Shift companies were just beginning their 24-hour shift when the call came out for a structure fire in a mobile home park in the 3300 block of Winter Lane. The reporting party told 911 dispatchers that flames were coming from one of the trailers. On arrival, Squad 20 found the tenant outside in the road.

The changes to city code will split beer & wrecker violations appeals processes and transform the beer board into an appellate body, less of an investigative authority.
The city is seeking additional public comment on the preferred option and an alternate.